February 5, 2010

Last few days my thoughts and intention are directed to Bukkoku-ji, small Zen temple in Japan.

Due to fortunate karma I was able to meet Tangen Harada Roshi twice and attend sesshin there. He has been my inspiration since eighties, when for the first time I did encounter his teaching.

Roshi-sama is in hospital right now and recent news about his conditions are not so good. There are some changes in the way Bukkokuji will be govern, by his young successor. From February 1 seven days silent sesshin is in progress there. I am sure everyone does his/her best.

As I imagine this empty dokusan room, I am sending Roshi-sama strong nen.

While ago my blog had a page with a short video about Tangen Roshi, but it was damaged. I am very determined to restore it soon. Here it is!

Here is the newest picture of Roshi-sama during celebration of New Year 2009, send to me by friend.

I hope everyone who had a chance to meet this extraordinary being is praying for his recovery.