Ekyo's Blog

Sharing form the heart


Rohatsu sesshin         

December 8, 2007

I came back home from Rohatsu sesshin. What an incredibly clear and intense energy at Dai Bosatsu zendo… It was hard to leave this place, but… it is HERE!

This is always the most severe and special sesshin in each year. It is perceived by many this way, because it is done to commemorate Buddha’s Enlightenment.  All around the world in almost every Zen Monastery and Zen Center this sesshin is happening in this particular week. One has a feeling that entire world is doing zazen if not entire Universe…

The schedule of zazen is different from other sesshins. Every two days one period of zazen is added at the end of day. Last, seventh day of sesshin we sit formally until midnight.   On the eight day wake up is at 3 am, with final dokusan, listening to Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony and sesshin ending with Jodo-E, Buddha’s Enlightenment Ceremony. 

After the first evening of Rohatsu sesshin there is no formal ending of the day, han is not struck, no chanting of Namu Dai Bosa and no clappers... Rohatsu sesshin is considered as One Day - seven days and half – sit.

Another very inspiring addition in Rohatsu is reading of Hakuin Zenji Rohatsu Exhortation. Each evening, after Tei Dai Denpo chant someone reads exhortation for the day. This sets up a powerful energy for long evening sit…The air is intense.

This year I was very busy before Rohatsu. Coming back from Poland only three weeks earlier there was some work waiting for me. And to arrange all rides took such a long time... Finally two days before sesshin all fell into place and I knew that I am going to Rohatsu. But I was very tired coming to this demanding sesshin.

As it always happens, when body is exhausted the true being is strong, and in this sesshin I felt stronger than ever, sitting late, reaching my physical limits…

Last morning of sesshin was the most magical. Final dokusan took longer than it was planned. Only to last movement of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony was played… with famous Ode to Joy. I did listen to Ninth Symphony many times in the past, but this time something happened… It was just sound. Universe as sound…Universe playing the music…

Ha! Ha! Ha!


Before sesshin I left so much work undone, including kesa for someone having ceremony in a few days. I have to start working right away. However I wanted to start writing at least few words about this incredible week.


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